Wednesday 20 July 2011


A big thank you to Mum and Dad, ably assisted by Sharon and Charlotte who organised a coffee morning to raise money for Prostate Cancer on my behalf. They invited people from their two churches by advertising in the church notice boards a few weeks in advance along with weekly news bulletins and a display of information and photos of me in various races/ states of pain. 

It ran from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 though I believe some people stayed a lot longer! They sold home-made cakes, bric-a-brac, and children's toys and books. Also advertised a stall as a Bring & Buy so some people brought along items and sold them. Several people who couldn't come, gave donations from £5. -  £10. Everyone from couples with young children to the 80+ (which makes them "super-duper" vets in triathlon parlance) attended. They raised over £106 which is a fantastic effort!

Many thanks to everyone who contributed!

And yes that is a picture of Mum. No picture of Dad unfortunately, as like dads the world over he's the one behind the camera to ensure no photos are ever taken of him!  

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