Sunday 20 March 2011

KAMIKAZE - Reprise

Just a few photos showing the race in all its glory.  Someone who shall remain nameless suggested I might be making all these blogs up (it was tongue-in-cheek) and someone even suggested that I'd might be availing myself of Photoshop!

All I can say to the latter is that if I was even marginally competent at any form of IT (ask my colleagues if you find this difficult to believe) don't you think I'd hide the "thinning up-top" and give myself a better physique?

Regarding making it all up, well, photographic evidence, name in the race results, my pictures ...... 

Anyway picture 1,  the t-shirt really did end up that colour.  One thing I found though is with a distinctive top it is much easier to spot yourself in the picture galleries and secondly on a lapped course, marshals and supporters also recognise you and give you a cheer.

Photo no. 2 having just come off the slide and looking a) very wet and b) bit disorientated.  Notice though I'm still have enough of my wits about me to run alongside rather than through the muddiest part, though I guess some would argue if I had any wits about me in the first place I wouldn't be doing this at all!

Crawling under the cargo net - I'm almost sure that that is mud on my legs but then it is in the countryside so one can never be too sure.  Notice the look of trepidation - I'm just about to face the wall.

Finally over the wall - with (relatively) minimal rope burn and over the finish line!


Some of you have queried why all my events are on Sunday?  Simple - it's the hockey season and about five years I was persuaded to join a club.  Team sports are very sociable and my particular club, Kings and Alleyns Old Boys is no exception.  Kings - being Kings College London; Alleyns - private school in Dulwich: Old Boys - being former students/pupils at either establishment; and Boys - because we have two women's (soon to become three) teams in the club - hmmm the logic does seem to fall apart at this point.  

Anyway, a couple of photos (thanks Bec) of me in my 'box' - I know it looks more like a codpiece (Blackadder-like) but in sports (like cricket, hockey - in fact any sport where your "boy bits" need protection from a ball propelled at speed ) it's called a box. 

To the full regalia (not my normal top but one for the charity club day).  Not the most intimidating of keepers in the league - most are twice my size at least in one dimension.  And my squad number - 50 of course! 


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